My research studies foundations of machine learning with a focus on social questions. I am broadly working towards developing theoretical as well as practical tools to support safe, reliable and trustworthy machine learning with a positive impact on society. This encompasses technical challenges around interactive machine learning, optimization in dynamic environments, and resource-efficient learning, as well as interdisciplinary questions on understanding social dynamics around algorithms, quantifying their impact on digital economies, and developing tools to support the responsible use of machine learning models in social science research.
A Chrome extension that measure how algorithmic decisions of search engines impact user click behavior by collecting experimental data.
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Snap ML is a library that provides resource efficient and fast
popular machine learning models on modern computing systems.
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US20210264320A1 - T. Parnell, A. Anghel, N. Ioannou, N. Papandreou, C. Mendler-Dünner, D.
Sarigiannis, H. Pozidis.
US11562270B2 - M. Kaufmann, T. Parnell, A. Kourtis, C. Mendler-Dünner.
US11573803B2 - N. Ioannou, C. Dünner, T. Parnell.
US11295236B2 - C. Dünner, T. Parnell, H. Pozidis.
US11315035B2 - T. Parnell, C. Dünner, H. Pozidis, D. Sarigiannis
US11461694B2 - T. Parnell, C. Dünner, D. Sarigiannis, H. Pozidis.
US11301776B2 - C. Dünner, T. Parnell, H. Pozidis.
US10147103B2 - C. Dünner, T. Parnell, H. Pozidis, V. Vasileiadis, M. Vlachos.
US10839255B2 - K. Atasu, C. Dünner, T. Mittelholzer, T. Parnell, H. Pozidis, M. Vlachos.